The Wall of Yajuj and Majuj

2 min readMay 1, 2021


A Poem

I have heard a story old,

Of vicious, belligerent men

Kept away from our world

By a wall that’s strong as ten

Every day, I am told,

They strike at it and when

The sunlight turns to pink from gold

End their hard work then

The morning comes; the wall still holds

Like they did not begin

Escape they must, so as they tolled

Before, they axe again

Curiously, the cracks do fill

Every single day

Every broken edge is mended

To much of Gogs’ dismay

It will be so, a narration goes,

Till End of Time and Day

Until one day a wiser one

Will have a thing to say

In sha Allah,” [If God Wills]

“The wall will break today”

And if God shall will it then

There will be no delay

Gog, Magog will roam around

Thirsty as the clay

Oceans, seas, rivers — all

They’ll drink what comes their way

I stand where these brutal beings

Are miles and miles apart

Or I am fooled and perhaps

They are not very far

I, too, exist behind a wall

I try to break apart

Not lead or brass, this wall contains

But pebbles many small

Of doubts, of sins, of temptations

Such evil they are all

Every day with weapons mine

I try to hit the wall —

An argument; a prayer rote;

All skeptical assaults

How weak! How weak! How hollow, mean!

My barren wherewithals!

It’s no surprise when I wake up

The wall survives them all

Perhaps one day I shall be wise

Wise enough to try again

This time not with hand but heart

With weapons with which All began

In sha Allah,” [If God Wills]

“The wall will break the same”

And if shall God will it then

I will be not detained

All walls shall break, all truths unfurled

That ought to be a worthy end

When I shall step in the Real World

My thirsty clay, too, shall be quenched

By: Tanzeela Anis




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